Dinner & Dance

Sourp Hagop Annual Christmas Party

Sourp Hagop Church

Sourp Hagop Annual Christmas Party
24 déc. 2019   7:30 PM
ACC Montreal-Մոնթրէալի Հայ Կեդրոն
3401 Olivar-Asselin, Montreal, Quebec H4J 1L5
Quebec - Canada

We are excited to announce that Elie Berberian and his band will be performing at the Sourp Hagop Annual Christmas Ball on Tuesday, December 24th! Join us for an evening of great food, music and dancing!

Tickets are $100 for adults, $25 for kids 5 to 12 years old inclusive and $50 from 13 to 18 year olds.

Make sure to get your tickets early!! Please call Nairie Papakhian 514-891-4361 for your tickets and table reservations.

All the profits from the evening will benefit the Sourp Hagop Armenian School

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SourpHagopAnnualChristmasBall/