Business Event

Calling for Volunteers

Centre For Armenian Information & Advice

Calling for Volunteers
7 déc. 2024   10:00 AM
Hayashen, 105a Mill Hill Road, London, W3 8JF
London - United Kingdom

Are you a ‘people person’?

Join us on Saturday 7th December between 10.00am - 1.30pm to support the Centre for Armenian Information and Advice (CAIA) charity.

We have just published the new issue of our 'Armenian Voice' newsletter and will be preparing copies to be mailed free of charge to 3000 UK Armenians.

The 'Armenian Voice' was first published in January 1987 to promote CAIA’s services/activities, raise the community profile by sharing information and encourage networking among dispersed Armenians who had arrived from different troubled parts of the world to the UK. The newsletter covers our various events, reports, news, book reviews, announcements and more.

Free lunch and refreshments will be provided.

FOR MORE VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES AT CAIA, contact or call us on 0208 992 4621.