Wine Tasting

GiniFest® 2023

Armenian Arts

GiniFest® 2023
7 mai 2023   2:00 PM
Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport
2500 North Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505 USA
California - United States

6th Annual Armenian Wine & Spirits Festival

The 6th Annual GiniFest® Armenian Wine and Spirits Festival will take place in Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Convention Center on May 7th, 2023 2:00 pm 7:00 pm.

GiniFest® (pronounced Ghi-ni meaning wine in Armenian) was established in 2018 to bring the spotlight and introduce Armenian wine and Spirits to the Southern California community. The festival has shed light and brought much attention to this ancient, undiscovered, newly emerging, and unique wine region.

In our first year, we had about 300 attendees, and this number has grown to 1300 in 2022. GiniFest® has become one of the most anticipated consumer events of the year in Los Angeles, bringing in people from all over the world.

KTLA Channel 5 was the main media sponsor of the 2022 GiniFest®. The event was also featured on Fox 11-Good Day LA and covered heavily on social media, print, and other TV channels.

The 6th annual GiniFest® will be held in Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Convention Center which is located in the vibrant heart of Southern California near Universal Studios Hollywood, and Warner Bros. Studio across Burbank Airport. The Center hosts up to 1900 people with 900 parking spots.

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