
Swallows & Armenians, an actor musician production, written by Karen Babayan, music by Persia Babayan-Taylor.

Cumbria Opera Group

Swallows & Armenians, an actor musician production, written by Karen Babayan, music by Persia Babayan-Taylor.
9 juil. 2022   4:00 PM
Battlebarrow House, Battlebarrow, Appleby, Cumbria, CA16 6XT.
Cumbria - United Kingdom

The World Premier of Swallows and Armenians will take place at Battlebarrow House Gardens, Appleby, Cumbria on the 9th & 10th July. The performance will be an actor musician production directed by Persia Babayan-Taylor. The production explores the relationship between the Altounyan family of Aleppo and Coniston and Arthur Ransome who went on to write the classic children's adventure book, Swallows and Amazons. The performance will be followed by a Circle of Life, circle dance event by renowned choreographer and performer, Shakeh Major Tchilingirian. Swallows & Armenians is part of a weekend of outdoor opera which will also include: Shakespeare’s Ariel, a one-person opera and to finish, opera highlights from Mozart, Verdi and Puccini. Tickets £20 adults, £15 concessions & £5 U21's, are available online from:

The historic location is a Victorian mansion built in 1860 in the gothic style, by the Heelis family. Beatrix Potter visited regularly with her husband William Heelis. Audiences can bring a picnic and enjoy the stunning location. The view is of Appleby’s Norman Castle Keep and St. Lawrence's Church, as drawn by the painter JMW Turner from this same location during his tour of northern England in 1831. This drawing, from his Rokeby sketchbooks, is now in the Tate Gallery archives.

Photograph of Shakeh Major Tchilingirian, dancing on the shores of Derwent Water, by Asadour Guzelian.