
The Geopolitical Developments in the South Caucasus: Focus on Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh/ Artsakh

EAFJD - European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy

The Geopolitical Developments in the South Caucasus: Focus on Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh/ Artsakh
25 mars 2024   10:00 AM
Leuvenseweg / Rue de Louvain 7, 1000 Brussels
Brussels - Belgium


-Senator Mark Demesmaeker (N-Va) member of Osce Parliamentary Assembly

-Els Van Hoof

Chair of the foreign Affairs Committee. Belgian Federal Parliament


-Paul Meerts -International Negotiation Analyst, Co-Founder Of Clingendael Institute

-Benyamin Poghosyan - Senior Research fellow at the applied policy research Institute of Armenνια

-Gegham Stepanyan - Ombudsman of Nagorno Karabakh / Artsakh

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