Comemoration of St. Vartan Mamikonian , annual gala, for raising funds to renovate a much needed kindergarten in Chambarak, a village in Armenia bordering Azerbaijan, which as a result of Azerbaijan's illegal and genocidal action forcefully deporting Artsakh Armenians in September 2023, 120,000 Armenians were displaced from their homeland and moved into Armenia. As a result 500 are refuged in Chambarak. The proceeds from the event supports renovating a much needed kindergarten building to accept the children of Artsakh refugees which are welcomed and accepted in the one only overloaded Kindergarten in Chambarak. The project has started and hope to finish in July 2024. Your donations are encouraged and appreciated. Send your donations to Knights of Vartan c/o Avak Ter Sbarabed Levon Thorose. See the Gala web page by going to this link: