
ANC-AU Youth Advocates Program

Armenian National Committee of Australia

ANC-AU Youth Advocates Program
27 nov. 2019   9:00 AM
Parliament House
Parliament Dr, Canberra ACT 2600
Australian Capital Territory - Australia

The second edition of the ANC-AU Youth Advocates Program – the Armenian National Committee of Australia's special political advocacy program for young Armenian-Australians – will take place in Canberra on 27-28 November 2019.

The program is a unique opportunity for young individuals to join the ANC-AU team in Canberra to explore the workings of our political system, and the integral role that advocacy plays within it.

The ANC-AU Youth Advocates Program of 2019 will feature:

A two day trip to the nation's capital Canberra, with fellow Armenian-Australian youth, as well as members of the Armenian National Committee of Australia National Board, Office, and soon-to-be-announced guests;

An Advocacy Workshop, where professionals from the ANC-AU will pass on theoretical and practical advocacy tips;

A Mock Parliamentary Discussion at Parliament House, on a topic of national relevance, moderated by actual Parliamentarians;

Mock Advocacy sessions with actual Members of Parliament and Senators, who have kindly agreed to received our ANC-AU Young Advocates and grill them on their assigned topic;

Intro to and Attendance at Parliamentary Question Time;

Rubbing shoulders with MPs, Senators and Staffers from the Australian Parliament.

Only a limited number of spots will be available, if you are interested to participate, please complete the following form.

*Only for youth in Australia - you must have graduated High School to partiipated*