Children's Program

Children's Day at the Diocese

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)

Children's Day at the Diocese
25 janv. 2025   11:00 AM
St. Vartan Cathedral
630 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10016
New York - United States

Welcoming all Armenian children in grades 3-8 for a fun day at the Diocese in New York City!

The event will start with a brief prayer service in St. Vartan Cathedral (34th St & 2nd Ave), followed by a lunch downstairs in Kavookjian Hall.

A motivational speaker will address the value of volunteering, after which participants will prepare sandwiches and meal bags for houseless individuals in New York City.

Community service certificates will be distributed. Complimentary admission for all and parents are welcome to stay (parking can be validated) or drop off/pick up, but regardless you must RSVP through the QR code on the flyer.