
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
25 janv. 2024   6:30 PM
St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral
630 2nd Ave, New York
New York - United States

Ecumenical Prayer Service At St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral

"You shall love the Lord your God... And your neighbor as yourself" (Luke 10:27)

Please join His Grace Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, and Faith Leaders of New York City as they gather to pray for Christian Unity.

Following the service, all are welcome to join a festive reception in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium

St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral

Parking: Mention St. Vartan Cathedral to receive A $16 Flat-Rate Parking Discount

at Tunnel Parking Garage (300 East 34th St., across from the cathedral).