
Rebirth - Concert Dedicated to Our Heroes

Rebirth Committee

Rebirth - Concert Dedicated to Our Heroes
25 mars 2023   7:30 PM
Henry P. Becton Regional High School 120 Paterson Avenue East Rutherford, NJ 07073
New Jersey - United States

On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 7:30pm, Rebirth Committee will present a cultural program entitled “Rebirth: A Concert Dedicated to Our Heroes.”

This extraordinary event will feature six highly acclaimed artists, including Nune Yesayan, Arabo Ispiryan, Ara Dinkjian, Gagik Ginosyan, Arsen Petrosyan, and Hermine Avagyan, as well as the Hamazkayin Nayiri Dance Ensemble under the direction of Barkev Sanossian.

As we continue to grapple with the terrible losses inflicted on our nation, our community will honor those who defend our nation and those who gave their last measure of devotion to the homeland. This program is dedicated to their honor and for their sacrifice.

“Rebirth: A Concert Dedicated to Our Heroes” is being organized by the ARS New Jersey “Agnouni” Chapter, ARS Bergen County “Armenouhi” Chapter, ARS New Jersey “Shakeh” Chapter, AYF-YOARF NJ “Arsen” Chapter, Homenetmen of New Jersey and Hamazkayin of New Jersey.

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