
Annual Armenian Genocide Commemoration in Times Square

AGBU Central OfficeKnights & Daughters of Vartan, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian National Committee of America, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, Tekeyan Cultural Association, Armenian Bar Association and Armenian Missionary Association of A

Annual Armenian Genocide Commemoration in Times Square
27 avr. 2025   1:30 PM
Times Square West 46th-47th Streets & Broadway New York, NY 10036 United States
New York - United States

AGBU joins its sister organizations in commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The annual gathering in Times Square attracts thousands of Armenians and non-Armenian participants, and features speeches and tributes delivered by prominent political figures and civic leaders, officials of the Knights & Daughters of Vartan, representatives of major Armenian-American organizations, distinguished scholars and educators, as well as high-ranking Armenian and non-Armenian clergy.