
At the Crossroads

A candlelight concert and exhibition

At the Crossroads
13 janv. 2024   7:00 PM
St. Vartan Cathedral
630 Second Avenue, New York City
New York - United States

A candlelight concert and exhibition in the cathedral sanctuary featuring visual art & projection by the internationally renowned artist Kevork Mourad and guest performing artists.

Featuring visual art and projection by the internationally renowned artist: Kevork MOURAD

Guest performing artists:

Hasmik ASATRYAN, soprano

Anoosh BARCLAY, soprano

Anahit ZAKARYAN, soprano

Hasmik MEKANEJIAN, mezzo soprano

Solange MERDINIAN, mezzo soprano

Hayk ARSENYAN, piano

Ani KALAYJIAN, cello

Sami MERDINIAN, violin


Ari TERJANIAN, organ/piano

Khoren MEKANEJIAN, conductor

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