Wine Tasting

Wine & Silk Scarf Painting

St. Thomas Armenian Apostolic Church

Wine & Silk Scarf Painting
30 mars 2019   4:00 PM
174 Essex Drive
Tenafly, NJ 07670
New York - United States

Ladies, come join us on March 30th! Let your creative juices flow and connect with your inner artist as you and your girlfriends sip wine and create your one-of-a-kind silk scarf.

Our first Wine and Silk Painting Workshop will be on March 30, at 4:00pm. Cost is $35.00, which includes all supplies and instruction.

Please RSVP, prior to March 30, by emailing:

Ani Capan at

Remember - no experience necessary! Come, enjoy, and leave with a silk scarf of your own creation! Bring your friends for a fun ladies' day out!