

Armenian Genocide Committee

24 avr. 2019   1:00 PM
The Turkish Consulate
6300 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Los Angeles - United States

The Armenian Genocide Committee calls upon all segments of our community to join together in a MARCH FOR JUSTICE on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 1pm at the Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles as we continue to fight for justice and against the denial of the Armenian Genocide. Organizational leaders in Southern California call upon the Armenian-American community to remain vigilant and active as we continue to voice our collective demands for justice.

It is our belief that our voices are most loudly and effectively heard when they are unified, and to that end, we proudly announce the continued cooperation of community organizations to organize and execute the commemorative activities and demands for justice for this year under the banner of the Armenian Genocide Committee (“AGC”) consisting of the organizations and entities listed below.

Armenian Genocide Committee:

Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America

Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church

Armenian Catholic Church of North America

Armenian Evangelical Union of North America

Armenian Revolutionary Federation

Armenian Democratic Liberal Party

Social Democrat Hunchak Party

Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District

Armenian Relief Society – Western USA

Homenetmen Western U.S

Armenian Youth Federation

Armenian Assembly of America

Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region

Armenian Council of America

Armenian Bar Association

Organization of Istanbul Armenians

United Armenian Council of Los Angeles

Committee for Armenian Students in Public Schools (CASPS)

All-Armenian Student Association

National Armenian Law Students Association

Open Wounds

Coalition Partners:

Act for Sudan

AF3IRM- A Transnationalism Feminist Organization

All Armenian Students’ Association (All-ASA)

American Hellenic Council

Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect

Assyrian American Association of Southern California

Assyrian Genocide Research Center (SEYFO Center)

Assyrian Student Organization of Los Angeles

Black Law Student Association

Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law

Creative Armenia

Democratic Socialists of America, Los Angeles

Equality Armenia

Gay and Lesbian Armenian Society (GALAS)

Genocide Watch (The Alliance Against Genocide)

Greek Genocide Resource Center

Hellenic American Leadership Council

Investors Against Genocide

Iranian Student Union at UCI

Jewish World Watch

Kurdish Community of Southern California

Kurdish Human Rights Advocacy Group

Los Angeles Hellenic Radio

Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

Los Angeles United Methodist Museum of Social Justice

National Organization of Republican Armenians (NORA)

Palestinian Youth Movement – Los Angeles, Orange County, and the Inland Empire Chapter

Pan Pontian Federation of USA and Canada

Parents Educators/Teachers & Students in Action (PESA)

Pink Armenia

Radio Iran 670AM

Southern California Armenian Democrats (SCAD)

SEIU121RN Nurse Alliance

Southwest Asian North African (SWANA) Los Angeles Chapter

STAND: The Student-Led Movement to End Mass Atrocities

Stop Genocide Now (SGN)

The Genocide Education Project

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum, UK

UC Student Association

United Staff Workers

United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA)

USC -Students for Justice in Palestine

USC Shoah Foundation